Teeth in a Day
Learn More Information About Teeth-In-A-Day Procedure
Advanced Quad-Zygomatic Implants, requiring extra training, are only solution for extremely deficient upper jaw, improving facial profile
Facial Changes with Upper and Lower Implants
Grafting and Same-Day-Teeth
Advanced Zygoma Implants After Failed Implants Elsewhere
Dental Implants to replace a loose upper denture
Smile Makeover with Facial Enhancement
Upper and Lower Same-Day-Teeth
Neck Line Improvement after Lower Jaw Implants and Grafting
(No Facelift)
Facial Asymmetry Improvement by Dental Implant Replacement
Upper Teeth Implant supported Crowns
Grafting and Implants to Replace Upper Teeth
Upper And Lower Implants and Lower Lip Lesion Repair
Replacing Failed Upper and Lower Teeth
Failed Upper and Lower Teeth
Implants to Replace Failing Upper Teeth
Replacing All Failing Teeth and Implants
New Upper Teeth on Implants
Replacing Teeth with Implants and Advanced Zygoma Implants
Replacing a Removable Upper Denture with Implants
Replacing Failing Teeth with Implants
Zygoma and Dental Implants to replace all teeth
New Upper and Lower Teeth with Dental Implants
Remaking Upper Teeth to be more Harmonious with Face and New Lower Implants
Failing Upper and Lower Teeth
Sinus Lift and Nose Lift Bone Grafts for Implants in the Upper Jaw when Bone is too warn out
Replacing Upper and Lower Teeth with Same Day Teeth on Implants
“All on Four” Full Mouth Reconstruction with Dental Implants
Single Arch Reconstruction with Zygomatic Implants
Single Arch Reconstruction With Dental Implants
Smile Makeover With Dental Implants